Vee Healthtek Announces the Launch of Sona ProMISe Revenue Cycle Management Platform

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Vee Healthtek Announces the Launch of Sona ProMISe Revenue Cycle Management Platform

NEW YORK, June. 27, 2021 - Vee Healthtek, a leading consulting and professional services organization that delivers technology-enabled solutions to businesses around the world, has announced the launch of the Sona Suite of products and their flagship revenue cycle management workflow tool, Sona ProMISe.

A premier revenue cycle management solution that is designed to optimize operational workflows and enhance business intelligence capabilities, Sona ProMISe is the standalone tool for managing hospitals, medical clinics, specialty practices, ambulatory surgery centers, and more. Designed to streamline business operations, Sona ProMISe offers elevated business analytics that result in increased revenue and growth potential. "We strive to deliver innovative solutions that not only enhance our business capabilities, but those of our clients as well," said Chocko Valliappa, CEO of Vee Healthtek. "Sona ProMISe delivers the detailed analytics and workflow enhancement tools necessary to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment."

"Vee Healthtek delivers extraordinary outcomes, and Sona ProMISe is the catalyst that helps drive some of the most important business decisions," said Patrick O’Malley, President of Vee Healthtek. "This platform is only the start, the Sona Suite of products will revolutionize the way that businesses operate, and Sona ProMISe delivers where others fall short."

Unlike other health management information systems on the market, Sona ProMISe offers fully configurable dashboards that allow for 360° visibility into an organizations most essential data. These detailed analytics engines enable organizations to better identify, analyze, and understand their most complex needs and challenges.

About Vee Healthtek

Vee Healthtek provides cutting-edge solutions that transform healthcare organizations. As a trusted partner to top medical institutions and payers, we offer a comprehensive suite of services that leverages our industry expertise and results-driven mindset to provide the best possible value to our clients. Our technology-driven services empower organizations to thrive in the ever-evolving healthcare landscape.

With a track record of success and a proven ability to deliver results, Vee Healthtek is the partner of choice for organizations looking to invest in innovation and drive sustainable growth.


To learn more about Sona PROMISE, visit 


For media inquiries or more information, contact:

Steve Meier
Director, Marketing | Vee Healthtek
489 5th Avenue, 19th Floor
New York, NY 10017

(646) 837-0837 | smeier@veeusa.com