
We Couldn’t Have Done

it Without You – No, Really

There are multiple processes in the healthcare revenue cycle world that considerably ramp up in activity on a periodic basis. This is the story of how Vee Healthtek solved a hospital’s last-minute problem when they couldn’t finish it alone.

It's That Time Again

It was a new year and time for our hospital clients to re-verify their state Medicaid patients’ continued enrollment in the program. It’s a process that can be intensely manual and redundant.

In their 2018 season, one client had anticipated approval of additional budget to allow local temporary worker-hiring to perform this annual task, as had been done in prior years. As time crept closer to the deadline, it became apparent that, due to tightening budgetary management, the funds would not be coming. They immediately needed to find an alternative solution.

The urgent call came to Vee Healthtek. We had been a strong business partner to this client since 2015, and we were the first team they turned to. Knowing the client’s systems, standards, and staff members well, we were able to select the proper individuals to quickly step in and successfully execute this insurance verification program for them.

In two weeks time, the first team of 15 FTE’s were trained and operational. In another two weeks, an additional 20 FTE’s ramped up. And within a final four weeks, 90% of the project objectives were complete and back on schedule.

When the 2019 season approached, we were already in queue to kick it off and complete it on time.

Proper Coding And Top HCC Diagnoses

More than a Just a Friendly Face

That scenario is not uncommon for Vee Healthtek. In businesses everywhere, the “good problem” of having more work than the time to finish it occurs regularly. What makes this particular story stand out? Most likely, it was the tone of voice and facial expression of the client during a meeting when she said, “We couldn’t have done it without you – we really couldn’t have.” In her moment of saying it, it was clear that she and her team had their backs against the wall when they thought to reach out to us late in the winter of 2017/2018.

To be able to solve our clients’ challenges in ways that exceeded their expectations is always tremendously rewarding. But as the relationship matures, the reach-out becomes much more personal; this is a request from friends, not just business associates. It is a culture of personal accountability and connection that underlines what we do every day at Vee Healthtek.

The real stars of the story were not in the meeting room – they were over 8,000 miles away in India. The dedicated team members who worked with this client in similar processes over the years were able to select the co-workers that were not only individuals they wanted as teammates, but professionals they trusted to successfully solve their friend’s problem. Competently led by a strong management team, they became the team our client could not have succeeded without.

It’s All About Respect

At the core of all successful relationships, both personal and business, is mutual respect, trust, and collaborative energy. It’s a basic bond that crosses all cultures and countries, and its presence is powerful.