
Underpayment Validation that Your Bottom Line

Insurance Underpayment Recovery Services

Healthcare providers lose revenue annually that gets written off as contractual adjustments when third-party payers underpay according to the contractually allowed amount. Vee Healthtek identifies and corrects underpayments, incorrect adjustments, and zero payments from third-party payers, helping providers improve their bottom line and increase patient satisfaction levels.

Vee Healthtek utilizes a holistic approach to identify underpayments from a billing and coding reimbursement perspective.

Our Insurance Underpayment Recovery Services:

  • Analyze payment reports to identify instances of insurance underpayments.
  • Compare remittances to the fee schedule and managed care contracts.
  • Work directly with the payers to validate the findings and arrive at the corrective course of action.
  • Provide trend analyses and work with payers towards account resolution.
  • Identify the root cause of claims payment errors leading to underpayments and make the necessary adjustments.